

chamber hall - 15 September 2023 - 29 October 2023

Introducing the International Kepes Society’s light artists

In 1993, the museum in Eger, which showcased the groundbreaking work of György Kepes and his creative use of light, hosted the first International Light Symposium. The meeting was organized by Attila Csáji, a painter and impresario of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde, who had been experimenting with new imaging techniques, including lasers, for decades. The goal of the initiative was to establish a recurring platform where the foremost light artists from around the world could come together, setting it apart as a unique and unparalleled gathering in its field.

Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that the idea for this forum was born in Hungary, as few other places have such deep and extensive connections to the history of light art, with figures like László Moholy-Nagy, György Kepes, Nicolas Schöffer, Gyula Kosice, and the next generation of artists who continued their legacy.

The namsake of this institution, Victor Vasarely, an artist known for developing his own style of visual research, also incorporated the results of kinetic light in his creative method. He particularly favored the use of optical illusions born from the interaction of time and space, where controlled light gave rise to the perception of apparent movement and three-dimensional objects.

Although Victor Vasarely, working in the geometric-concrete style, and György Kepes, known for his lyrical gesture painting, represented two opposite poles of abstraction, they were connected by their belief and conviction in the power of community art. In the spirit of a more livable, richer, and more attractive future utopia, they attempted to articulate their ideas, which they believed could reintroduce the „lost pageantry of nature” into our daily lives.

The International Kepes Society was established in 1996 with the aspiration of fostering closer collaboration between the natural and social sciences. It was formed as an organization with a fundamental goal: to give rise to groundbreaking research results through the fruitful dialogue between scientists and artists, manifesting in works of art.

Among the members of the International Kepes Society, who initiated the Light Symposia, one can find numerous artists experimenting with light as an autonomous medium. This exhibition features a carefully curated assortment of their works.


Carlo BERNARDINI, Michael BLEYENBERG, BOHUS Zoltán, BOLYGÓ Bálint, BORDOS László Zsolt, BORTNYIK Éva — TUBÁK Csaba, CSÁJI Attila, Dieter JUNG,KELLE Antal, KEPES György, KUCHTA Klára, LUGOSSY Mária, LUX Antal, MATTIS-TEUTSCH Waldemár, MENGYÁN András, Vera MOLNÁR, PÓCSY Ferenc, SZVET Tamás, TELEK Balázs, Victor VASARELY, WALICZKY Tamás


Curated by OROSZ Márton


Friday, 15 September 2023 19.30



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